What do middleschool children want in a Teacher?


The tweeners (10-12 years old children) are one of a kind! They are taking their first steps figuring out the ways of the world, understanding themselves and are itching to be independent. The love, support and guidance that they receive at this time will be vital in shaping their personality and character. 

A Teacher, who is with the middleschooler for almost 8 hours a day, definitely plays a significant role in a middleschooler's life. It is very hard to please a-young-child-who-wants-to-be-treated-as-an-adult with their hormonal mood swings, the sacrosanct peer pressure and their fledgling knowledge of the world around them. The teacher has it tough as she needs to be sweet and understanding at one instant- wiping off their tears, giving them support and then transform into a rage monster the next moment to put them in place to obey the rules! All said and done, the teacher must understand that the tweenager's underlying desire is to please the teacher. The middleschoolers just don't have the control over themselves or their actions completely yet. And they  


Middleschoolers sniff fake emotions easily and "just for the sake of it" consolations. They seek authentic and sincere connections in adults that fosters a long, trusting relationships. The teacher needs to show love and concern at all times. And it helps if the teachers seek them out if they find that the child is feeling a bit down or upset or extremely happy. The teacher basically needs to have an eye out for them at all times and make sure that they are available for the child at all times! (Overwhelming task, I know! But nontheless rewarding or atleast find ways to be there for the child when they see a difference in them)


This age group demands the teacher to be even more patient than the other sections of the school. Their inability to dig deeply and thoroughly before they act just certifies them to be a growing child needing an adult's guidance and tolerance. The hormonal dance in their body makes it even more confusing for them. And peer pressure takes the cake in deciding their half-baked ideas and thereby their actions. Thus the need for an composed teacher who can listen with patience, respond with sincerity and sensitivity and concern.


The middleschoolers get a whiff of favouritism or unfair judgements by the teacher, then it is downhill all the way from there. It is important for the teacher to be fair at all times with children. It definitely helps the children to be aware of the consistent rules set by the teacher. The children will feel safe to approach the teacher with their concerns. 

A Listening Ear

Most of the problems of a middleschooler can be solved if they have a person to whom they can vent out their feelings without fear of being judged. Most of them don't even require sympathy or ideas to solve the problem. They just want to be heard. An active conversation with them, ofcourse, will be beneficial for them, if they listen to it :)

Forgetful Nature  

One of the most important characteristics of a middleschool teacher is to possess a selective forgetful nature. Everyday is a new day and every child is a new child on that day. They might have aborbed what they experienced yesterday or be up there in the school with a totally new perspective. It is vital for the teacher to forget the misdemeanors done earlier and approach them with a fresh attitude everyday. Isn't it the right time for the child to make mistakes and learn from them? Why reproach them for days?

5 min Lectures

Middleschoolers have very low attention span. It is in the interest of the teacher to give them a short yet comprehensive advice within a short period of time. (This saves a lot of time and energy for the teacher too!) It helps if we keep reiterating the same fact at different times in different scenarios, again, in a quick sermon :)

A Cool, Solid Head

Oh, the ways the tweenager can get under the teacher's skin! They endlessly find different ways to push yout buttons! It is upon the teacher to not get ruffled by these taunts. A cool, clever and if possible, a funny response might save the day rather than a punishment. It definitely will gain the trust of the student. 

Updated Lingo

The middleschool lingo seems to be ever-changing. The teacher who understands and responds in kind catches their fancy and trust easily. They will be so proud, even take it upon themselves to teach it to them, if only the teacher shows any interest. 

Do you think there are other nuances that a middleschool teacher must possess?


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