Spring Flowers in Seoul

Spring has brought in an explosion of color, sweet scents, and the long missed warmth of the sun. It is just glorious to see the leafless trees bring forth buds and suddenly, all you see is flowers all around!

Just pink flowers
Another leafless pink!

Cherry blossoms on the floor
Cherry Pinks on the floor

The cherry blossom road
Pinks all around!
Can't get enough of cherry blossoms? More pretty cherry blossoms here.

White buds blossoming
Just the white buds

Just white flowers.
And now, lo and behold! just white flowers

Couldnt get enough of these pink flowers
Oh pink buds looking sooo pretty!

Pink buds
With the just emerging green to contrast with the pink

Yellow flowers
Just a splash of yellow!

budding cactus
Cactus buds


Red and yellow tulips

Reds, yellows and a mix

White tulips and red tulips with white tops
White tops and pure whites!

Bonsai tree flowers

Bonsai flowers
Bonsai tree flowers, who knew?

another pretty pink flower set
More pink beauties!

hairy leaf
Hairy leaflets

cactus buds
Cactus buds
Budding cactus
Budding cactus

White cactus buds
Interesting buds of cactus


  1. Gorgeous captures!
    What a beautiful world!!

  2. Fabulous pictures on spring blossoms! Good to see people there also scratch on cactus... unlike people write names using cactus milk here. The cherry pinks all around is inviting :)

    1. Good eyes Jeevan! Yes, they scratch <3 here also! Love rules everywhere :)

  3. Replies
    1. They are just bursting out color and cheer everywhere!

  4. Just amazed at the beauty captured .. awesome !!

    1. It is indeed beautiful especially after the grey, leafless winter.

  5. what a joy to see all these spring scenes with all the budding flowers and the petals on the ground. love it.

  6. what a joy to see all these spring scenes with all the budding flowers and the petals on the ground. love it.What a beautiful world!!gold runescape

  7. Wow! Wonderful! These pics make me feel happy.

  8. WOW! What a pretty sight! I just love spring. :)


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