Korean Flower Arrangement~ About the flowers

I have been going to this Flower arrangement class ever since we moved to Korea and I have made such good friends and learned a lot!

Flower Arrangement is the term but this art involves using branches, stems, even rocks (as props), twigs and flower buds along with the actual flower. Some flowers fade off so soon while many buds bloom after the arrangement giving a new twist to the arrangement. Some stems shoot out leaves and buds right after they are immersed in water and some just stay the same whether in water or out of it. And then, my favorite kind, there are some flowers that stay on and on :)

Korean Flower arrangement with marigold, astromeria, anemone, spray
The orange and yellow alstroemeria stay on and on for a long time! While the violet anemones die out very fast. The White Spray buds blossomed which made the arrangement so lovely! The Marigold buds bloomed too, giving the arrangement a more whitish look. 

White and green Korean Arrangement with pussy willow, bamboo and white rose
Highlighting the heavy white rose with bamboo, willow and spray flowers. Roses last for a long time. The willow are still looking good! 
The beautiful orange rununculus flowers looked gorgeous for a long time while the purple camillas needed water spray to bloom

Bright Red Gerbera and yellow-orange orchid along with an orange tint from the alstroemeria gives this arrangement the focal point while the asparagus leaves and and the budding twig add character and depth to this arrangement. This is one of my favorite arrangements. It lasted a long time, with the twigs growing beautifully.

Anthurium lasts forever. It was such a thrill to have the pink anthurium in the arrangement along with potted plants which kept this arrangement pretty for quite some time!

Red tulips, violet iris makes this arrangement interesting along with the flowering twigs. 

K for Korean Flower Arrangement for ABC Wednesday


  1. These are gorgeous. When we were younger and had a large garden my mom, my sister and I would try to make elaborate arrangements. Now all I do is buy flowers and put them in vases! Thanks for this reminder. Must revive that hobby.

  2. Beautiful arrangements. Such a gift to be able to do this.

  3. Beautiful arrangement. actually in Korea, Japan and in china flower arrangement is a hobby and being a business. nice post

  4. Flower arrangement class! I'd have never thought of this but now feel one should attend such classes. Amaaazingg... :)

  5. wow...these look so nice and artistic :) superbly creative :)

  6. Each one is stunning! And what talent to arrange them so beautifully!

  7. Pretty flowers. Super arrangement!
    Room looks bright!

  8. Did you do all these arrangements? They are all so pretty. I wished you worked here in our local florist's shop. Your work is excellent.
    Wil, ABCW

  9. Beautiful arangements.

  10. Wow ! Thank you for sharing ! This is pure ART !

  11. interesting cultural highlight!

  12. The flowers lifting up my mood.. Beautifully arranged!

  13. Wonderfull....sometimes i wish i were more creative and able to make such arrangements myself ;-)


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