The Blackboard and Middleschoolers

If I were to pick a tool to help the child learn, with me, in the classroom then, I would choose the blackboard anytime! 

Yeah, the projector with the computer can show the volcano erupting or the close-up of the sun, but the blackboard beats them all with all the fun in the long run! 

It is there for all to see: All the students in the class, even the ones who are busy doodling in their books will have to look at the board that occupies the primary spot in a class room from time to time. It is easy for the teacher with her diagrams or flowcharts to effectively get the attention of the middle schooler. Just drawing the Pascal's Triangle with minimal numbers on the board made the whole class come together in populating the numbers of the triangle.

Seeing it on a Bigger Screen: When the middleschoolers see the data on a bigger screen, things just make sense for them. The usual routine of writing the date on the board turned out to be a discussion in prime numbers! (eg., 5/7/2017) Another one was found to be a palindrome (20/6/02). These start up a discussions that are spontaneous that clearly reassures the teacher that her teaching methods are working! 

Ask Questions or Question Answers: The versatile blackboard can be used for both asking questions or explaining the answers to the students. It is a breeze to assign a student to write the answer to a Math question on the board while it helps the teachers and others question, analyze and check their answers as well. Indepth analysis and explanations can be done effectively on the blackboard, in full view of the students. An easy long division problem on the board started a string of revelations about the whole division process itself, bringing in different ways to solve the same problem!

Blackboards can be effectively used for interactions: An important aspect of education is peer interactions and peer learning. Getting the class involved in a topic is a sure way for the children to increase interest, spark curiosity, dig deeper into the subject and get the children thinking. Putting up an interesting or a famous quote by an author or even the latest hot headline of the day is a sure-fire way to bring in different perspectives, spark a debate or bring in a consensus. 

Keeps the middleschoolers on their toes: The pride that a middleschooler feels when she finishes solving the Math problem right for all to see is a also a wonderful tool for the teacher. Calling them to come and write on the blackboard makes them mindful of the whole process of answering the question, while keeping an eye on their handwriting too! There is also just the feeling of accomplishment and joy that the middleschooler gets when they are praised by their peers. That is a strong motivation for the others to learn and try as well. The children just love being called to add their ideas or even just to write their solution to the Math problem on the blackboard!

Test their learning: A blackboard, to a middleschooler when effectively used, becomes a tool for collaborative learning. When they were introduced to the number Googol, (one followed by hundred zeroes) one child wanted to see how huge the number would be. So, he started writing the zeros while counting and was immedietly joined by his classmates to help him out when they figured the magnanimity of the problem. That's critical thinking! That's collaborating! That's learning! And that's music to a teacher's ears.

An apt place to show off their skills: The artistic creativity of a middleschooler is set in full display if they are just given coloured chalk and a duster. Birthday wishes for a fellow student or a request for a free period, the middleschoolers usually bring in a compelling reasons along with imaginative creations on the blackboard!



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